Your Energy Flow
Understanding and Connecting with Your Energy
Have you ever felt completely drained after spending time with certain people or being in certain places? Perhaps you’ve noticed physical or emotional signs of exhaustion, such as difficulty sleeping, confusion, or feeling unusually negative. These are often indicators that your energy is being affected by your surroundings, people, or even internal patterns.
Energy is a crucial part of our daily lives, influencing how we feel, think, and interact with the world. But what happens when our energy isn’t flowing freely? We may experience what some refer to as energy blockages or drains, which can affect our well-being in ways we don’t always recognize. Here are a few key indicators that your energy might not be flowing optimally:
Physical Symptoms: Trouble sleeping, feeling physically tired, or unexplained memory loss.
Emotional Signals: Experiencing low self-confidence, mood swings, or excessive anxiety and fear.
Behavioral Changes: Overeating (especially sugars and carbs), excessive use of alcohol, or binge habits.
The good news is that we can learn to tune into our energy and take steps to release what’s no longer serving us. This awareness begins by noticing what situations, people, or environments leave you feeling drained and consciously taking steps to protect and recharge your energy.
Activity: Discover How Your Energy Feels
Here’s a simple exercise you can try to explore your energy flow and gain insight into what might be affecting it.
Step 1: Find a quiet space where you won’t be interrupted. Sit comfortably, close your eyes, and take a few deep breaths to relax your body and mind.
Step 2: Place your hands on your heart or stomach (whichever feels more intuitive for you) and bring your attention inward. Ask yourself, “How do I feel right now?” Pay attention to any physical sensations, emotions, or thoughts that arise. Don’t judge them; simply observe.
Step 3: Now, mentally scan your body, starting from the top of your head and moving down to your feet. Notice if there are any areas of tightness, discomfort, or heaviness. These may indicate blockages or stuck energy.
Step 4: After your body scan, visualise a white light flowing through your body, starting from your head and moving down to your feet. Imagine this light clearing away any blockages or negative energy, allowing your energy to flow freely.
Step 5: Spend a few moments sitting with this visualisation, feeling the light flow through your body. When you’re ready, open your eyes and take note of any shifts in how you feel.
This exercise can help you become more aware of your energy and what might be draining or blocking it. By regularly tuning into your energy, you can take steps to protect it and ensure it flows freely, promoting a greater sense of well-being.
Remember, energy flow isn’t just about what happens inside of us; it’s also affected by the people and environments around us. Take time to evaluate who or what might be draining your energy and consider how you can create more positive, fulfilling spaces in your life. Whether it’s surrounding yourself with nature or removing toxic influences, your energy is precious—nurture and protect it.