Talking to the Moon!

Why Certification Matters
Melissa Fabian Melissa Fabian

Why Certification Matters

I am an internationally certified Psychic, Medium, Spiritual Life Coach and Paranormal Investigator. So what does that mean?

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Energetic Boundaries
Melissa Fabian Melissa Fabian

Energetic Boundaries

We all know how important it is to set boundaries for others when it comes to self-preservation, but have you ever thought about protecting your energy from the effects of your environment and others in it?

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The Importance of Mindfulness
Melissa Fabian Melissa Fabian

The Importance of Mindfulness

In today's fast-paced world, it's easy to feel overwhelmed and stressed. From juggling work and family responsibilities to managing social obligations and personal goals, our minds are often racing. This is where mindfulness can be incredibly beneficial. But what exactly is mindfulness, and why is it important?

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Earth Grounding; Our Connection
Melissa Fabian Melissa Fabian

Earth Grounding; Our Connection

“What is she saying when she tells me to get my shoes off, get my feet in the dirt and ground myself?”…. wonders every person I’ve ever said it to hahaha.

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17 Ways to Raise Your Vibrations
Melissa Fabian Melissa Fabian

17 Ways to Raise Your Vibrations

The quantity and quality of our energy flow deeply affects our emotions, thoughts and reactions. The quality of our relationships, productivity, creativity and health all depend upon creating a high level of harmoniously flowing energy. The following techniques and ways of life will aid us in building a freer and more positive energy flow and raise your vibrations.

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5 Simple Self-Care Practices You Can Implement Now
Melissa Fabian Melissa Fabian

5 Simple Self-Care Practices You Can Implement Now

Do you often feel that all your time is spent taking care of others? Adding self-care practices to your daily routine can greatly strengthen your health and well-being.

Find out how to start implementing daily self care with these 5 quick tips.

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5 Ways To Develop Your Intuition
Melissa Fabian Melissa Fabian

5 Ways To Develop Your Intuition

We all have that little voice that tries to tell us things from time to time. As we get older, we often learn to ignore that little voice.

Try these techniques to develop your intuition, and start listening to that little voice again. It’s full of wisdom.

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What are Affirmations?
Melissa Fabian Melissa Fabian

What are Affirmations?

Positive Affirmations are such a strong tool to utilise when you are on your self-love journey.

If you’ve never heard of them, or have but don’t quite know what they are about, here is a little sample to get you started.

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How to Take Care of Your Candles
Melissa Fabian Melissa Fabian

How to Take Care of Your Candles

We all love the scent emanating from our favourite candle, watching the soft glow light up the room of an evening, evoking a sense of calm and relaxation over our home.

But how many of us truly know how to care for our favourite little source of light?

Hopefully what I share in this blog will illuminate and further your knowledge.

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