Meet the Team

Melissa Fabian

I am an internationally certified Psychic Medium, Spiritual Life Coach, Soul Healer and Paranormal Investigator.

When working in a mediumship space, I am inviting your loved ones in spirit, into my energetic space, to form a blended connection and have a conversation with them.

I often reference it to being like a sound system. My mind is their microphone, and my mouth is the speaker. What they bring to my awareness through our mind to mind communication, is what I then deliver through words, to you.

The authenticity and organic nature of my connection with Spirit are pivotal. Throughout our conversation, I aim to gather evidence that validates their story, history, and messages. Through my connection with spirit, and gathering their evidence, they may also chanel through me. This means I deliver their messages with no forethought, their words simply flow through me and out to you. In doing so, my intention is to offer healing to those who are guided to me in search of connection with their loved ones in spirit.

When working in a psychic space, you and I are working within an energetic connection. This is where I connect with your energy to allow me to see, hear, and feel your past, present and potential future pathways. This space also provides a gateway for your spirit guides to come through and provide messages for your guidance, healing or inspiration. Always with your highest heart in mind.

Your loved ones are never too far away, and with the help of my Spirit Team, we bring you an open and honest connection with your Spirit Guides and loved ones to provide healing and guidance.

My hope is that by being a conduit for spirit, a deliverer of their messages, I can help you live a happy, healthy and blessed life, full of clarity and purpose.

My Spiritual Education

Throughout my spiritual journey, I've had the extraordinary privilege of being mentored by highly esteemed individuals in their respective fields, both on an international scale and within Australia.

Home in beautiful Australia, I am an honoured Alumni Graduate of Bronwyn Jane’s Psychic Mediumship College.

With Bronwyn's structured, rigorous but nurturing guidance, I’ve completed my certification in both Intuit Psychic Reader and The Eternal Soul Advanced Mediumship Programs, as well as Mind Mastery Soul Coaching. And under the stringent guidance of Bronwyn Jane, I continue to refine both my psychic and mediumship abilities.

My journey has led me to diverse teachers, each contributing to the enhancement of my knowledge and connection with Ancestors, Spirit and accessing Higher Self.

I have been given an extreme honour in learning divination in varying modalities by a generational Romani Gypsy. Learning their family’s way and rich culture has provided a multilayered structure to my psychic and mediumship divination.

Learning traditional Elder Futhark Runes by a fully initiated Shaman, has opened me up to a truly authentic and raw connection with my Norse ancestry. Through the traditional old Norse way of rune readings, I have been given the greatest gift of connection to my Ancestors, but also a connection to the unadulterated messages from Odin.

Internationally, my spiritual journey continues under the mentorship of a pioneer within this field, the world-renowned Master Medium, James Van Praagh. Working with James personally, developing my psychic and mediumistic abilities, I have successfully completed varying certificates in both of these areas and continue to learn and be guided by his awe-inspiring knowledge and wisdom.

Additionally, I continue to develop and grow under the mentorship of esteemed Welsh Medium and Spiritual Coach, Julian Jenkins, who imparts his expertise in mediumship, divination, energy healing and mindfulness.

Each mentor brings a special style all of their own, and in learning from each of them, I am able to take what resonates with me and the way I work with spirit, and have a style that is unique to me and the way in which spirit communicates through me. My learning journey always continues, as my soul evolves….


Meet my Master Spirit Guide, Kane.

Kane is my master guide, my gate keeper, my protector. He has been with me since I have been here on this earthly plane. A lot longer than that in fact, many life times, but that is a whole chapter unto itself.

I call on Kane anytime I sit down to do metaphysical work such as readings, healing or meditations. In fact, I never do anything without inviting Kane to support me.

Kane is the main point of communication between your spirit people and my spirit people when we connect through mediumship. So if you are wanting to connect to your loved ones in spirit, this is the guy that will greet them at the door.


Meet my Rune Guardian, Ogdn.

I first met Odgn when starting my rune studies. During meditation to meet my rune guardian, I met a Norwegian warrior named Ogdn. He appeared as a tall, hulking, muscular warrior, well over 6ft. While he looked rough, he had a reassuring gentleness about him.

His long blond hair was braided, adorned with strips of what looked like leather and twine. Wearing a horned helmet, his clothes made of animal hide, and his long fur boots laced/tied up to his knees. With fair complexion and piercing blue eyes. He told me he was born in the 800’s, and was my direct ancestor. He was here to guide me and help me on my journey.

Osophael (Ozzie)

Meet my Pendulum Guardian, Osophael.

Much like my first meeting with Ogdn, I met Ozzie when starting my pendulum studies. During meditation to meet my pendulum guardian, I met a scribe named Osophael. He appeared as an older gentleman, draped in a greying-white gown/cloak, walking through the vast corridors of scrolls, all meticulously organised, feather quill in hand marking them all off to make sure they were all accounted for. (He’s a details guy).

Osophael is the keeper of scrolls but also the guardian of my pendulums. Such a wise and gentle man.

Ozzie saw me standing in this great big hall, looking all around, not knowing where to go. He ushered me to this small wooden table, scrolls scattered and open everywhere, and sat down with me to chat. He began to tell me about the beauty and truthfulness of the pendulum. He was very excited to explain all the knowledge that they held and how their connection to the great hall of records would serve me during my journey. Ozzie is always present to deliver guidance through the pendulum, whenever it is sort by someone true of heart.

Ozzie has also been helping choose essential oil blends for healings. I guess it’s his little side hustle ;-p.


Meet my Tarot Guide, Edgar. (Never Eddie)

I met Edgar during my visit to the Great Hall of Records in a room filled with hundreds, thousands, of tarot and oracle decks. We had a wonderful connection. He told me his passion for tarot, about the artwork, the meanings of each card, the lives within each card. It was truly amazing.

Edgar was an historian. An honour student who then became a professor of History and went on to lecture at the University of Cambridge, England. His love of history was apparent through his love of tarot, and vice versa.

A very gentle and endearing man. A very proper Englishman with a no holds barred, put you in your place manner. I mention this because I was promptly put in my place when I called him Eddie. “It’s Edgar, Melissa. Never, ever Eddie.” Lesson learned.

I have had some fantastic insights with Edgar, and my ability to bring through Tarot messages has exceeded my expectations. This gentleman certainly knows his stuff. Thank goodness he’s there with me at each reading!


Meet my Inspirer Guide, Peter.

Peter showed himself more recently as I was journeying to meet more of my inspirers and guides. Peter lived during the 1800’s (1826) in Mykonos, living a simple life as a fisherman, but felt a passion for writing and philosophy.

Peter brings inspiration and helps me with my writings, in many forms. He particularly likes helping me deliver messages through our “Monday Messages from Spirit” and often works with Edgar to provide messages through our single card oracle and tarot readings.

Sitting Bull

Meet my Healer Guide, Sitting Bull.

Sitting Bull brings his knowledge and guidance when I am healing myself and also when I am providing healing to others.

“Sitting Bull was born around 1831 into the Hunkpapa people, a Lakota Sioux tribe that roamed the Great Plains in what is now the Dakotas. He was initially called “Jumping Badger” by his family, but earned the boyhood nickname “Slow” for his quiet and deliberate demeanour. 

The future chief killed his first buffalo when he was just 10 years old. At 14, he joined a Hunkpapa raiding party and distinguished himself by knocking a Crow warrior from his horse with a tomahawk. In celebration of the boy’s bravery, his father relinquished his own name and transferred it to his son. From then on, Slow became known as Tatanka-Iyotanka, or “Sitting Bull.” *1

Now, I’m not one to toot my horn, and in fact, I am extremely low key with my abilities and how I work. I don’t think that I am any more special than any other person in the world, we are all equal. So imagine my bewildering surprise when I was introduced to my Healer Guide, Sitting Bull. Now I must admit I do not know a lot about American history. I actually thought that Sitting Bull was the name of an old western movie, with probably John Wayne in it…I didn’t know. So as I delved into the facts I was being provided by Spirit, my research led me to see that it was becoming more and more apparent that the Shaman I had the pleasure of knowing most of my life, was indeed an historical legend. #mindblown

*1 ~ Excerpt from


Meet Payton, our family Joy Guide.

Payton isn't directly my spirit guide, she is predominantly our family guide.

She not only watches over and helps our two sons, on many occasions, she comes through during times of my own spiritual development to help me with guidance and validation.

She is loud, joyful and full of life. She is a whirlwind of energy, colour, inspiration, hope and love. She is truly adorable!