Code of Ethics

Professional Code of Ethics

Code of Ethics for Readings:

18 and older. I do not provide readings for anyone under 18 years of age.

​Kept Confidential. A client's trust is highly valued and everything shared within the client/reader sphere is kept strictly confidential. It is ethical only to disclose confidential information when the client consents to it or when there is a real and imminent threat of harm to the client or to others, and this threat can be only diffused by a breach of confidentiality. 

​Respect Rights. I respect the rights and preferences of all clients and my colleagues. I respect a person’s right to refuse or accept help on their own terms. I will never force a reading, a message, opinions, or lifestyle on others. 

​​Do No Harm. Abilities gifted by Spirit are to be used only in serving the highest good of all involved. Understand that gifts are solely intended for healing, helping, and supporting others and strive to always use resources appropriately, in the best way possible, and only for the benefit of the community. 

​​No Judgement. I provide spiritual services as an unbiased and clear vessel. There is never any judgement influenced by personal profit, unfair discrimination, or psychics' emotions. 

Permission. I will never provide unsolicited guidance or readings in any form. Being connected means interpreting energetic information. Not everyone is ready to receive the information interpreted. I will never provide a reading unless initiated by the sitter first. 

​​Colleagues. As a spiritual professional, I will never undermine other colleagues in order to attract clients and I will not buy in to gossip or discriminatory discussion. I will always behave towards my colleagues in the field as I would wish them to behave towards me.

​Providing Services. I only provide services within my ability and that which will help the client at their highest level. If an issue is beyond my capacity I will refer you to an appropriate trusted professional support service. 

​Readings Are Not Fact. Readings are for guidance only. All readings should not at any time be regarded as legal, medical, financial, psychological, or business facts. ​

Remember that readings are also not set in stone. We have free will and with each choice we make, this may change the path that we initially thought we may be travelling on.

For insurance purposes, readings are considered entertainment.

Mediumship Code of Ethics

My Pledge as a Medium:

I pledge to;​​

  1. Work to enhance the image of the metaphysical community by living with personal and professional integrity.

  2. Treat all persons equally without prejudice or discrimination because of sex, race, ethnic background, religious affiliation, or sexual preference.

  3. Strive for quality in readings with integrity.

  4. Encourage seekers to accept total responsibility for their lives and the choices they must make in their lives.

  5. Honour others’ points of view, even those that differ from mine.

  6. Display fees with no hidden charges or overtime surcharge.

  7. Maintain confidentiality and be discreet with all readings.

  8. I do not claim to provide 100% accuracy, because no one has or is meant to have all the answers all the time. Spirit, God, and/or the Universe has a plan that is not always revealed to us.

  9. I am not a licensed therapist, psychiatrist, or medical doctor and therefore, do not give a diagnosis or psychological counselling.

  10. I will not counsel someone regarding their passing or terminal disease.

  11. I will never force clients to accept a message.

  12. I will always keep the clients’ welfare in mind first. In cases where I feel I cannot serve the client, I will advise them honestly and refund their money, if applicable.

  13. I will always work conscientiously for the highest and best good of my clients.