
Soul Readings

Soul Reading for Deep Spiritual Understanding of Self.

Experience transformative soul-level healing that clears blocked energy, releasing emotional and spiritual burdens that prevent growth. Through advanced energy healing techniques, I help you cleanse your aura, heal old wounds, and unlock a renewed sense of peace and spiritual freedom.

Schedule a soul reading session for profound emotional and spiritual understanding of self.


These readings are conducted via video conference (Zoom).

Here we meet via Zoom to share space. These conversations are recorded and a private link sent to you. Of cause you can always request that they are not recorded.

Soul Reading (zoom): 60mins $170

Channelled Readings

Channelled Readings for Divine Guidance from Higher Realms.

During a channelled session, I connect with higher realms, such as Ascended Masters, Angels, and Spirit Guides, to deliver wisdom, insights, and healing specifically tailored to your soul’s journey. These sessions provide access to deeper spiritual truths, empowering you to move forward with confidence and clarity.

Schedule your channelled reading and receive divine wisdom from higher realms.


These readings are conducted via video conference (Zoom).

Here we meet via Zoom to share space. These conversations are recorded and a private link sent to you. Of cause you can always request that they are not recorded.

Channelled Reading (zoom): 90mins $250


Psychic Reading

Psychic readings offer profound guidance by connecting directly with Spirit, without the use of tarot cards or other tools. This unique approach allows Melissa to access and share insights about your past, present, and potential future, shedding light on various aspects of your life, including career, relationships, finances, and life purpose.

Psychic Readings for Spiritual Guidance and Healing.

Experience personalised psychic readings where I connect with your Spirit Guides, Angels, and Ancestors to offer deep insight, clarity, and healing. Whether you're seeking direction in life, answers to specific questions, or a deeper connection to the spiritual realm, I provide authentic, spirit-led messages that guide you toward emotional and spiritual balance.

Book your psychic reading today and receive clarity from the higher realms.


These conversations are conducted via video conference (Zoom).

Here we meet via video conference to share space. These conversations are recorded and a private link sent to you. Of cause you can always request that they are not recorded.

Psychic Reading (zoom): 60mins $170


Spirit Reading

Spirit Readings offer a unique bridge to the spiritual realms.

Mediumship is the practice of connecting on a soul to soul level with spirits, including loved ones, guides, and angels, to provide guidance, healing, and clarity.

Spirit Readings to Connect with Loved Ones Who Have Passed.

Reconnect with the souls of your loved ones who have crossed over in a compassionate and healing session. As a psychic medium, I channel messages directly from those in spirit, bringing comfort, closure, and love. These readings allow you to hear from your departed family members, friends, and ancestors with messages that support your healing journey and give peace of mind.

Book a spirit reading to connect with your loved ones in the afterlife.


These conversations are conducted via video conference (Zoom).

Here we meet via video conference to share space. These conversations are recorded and a private link sent to you. Of cause you can always request that they are not recorded.

Spirit Reading (zoom): 60mins $170


Chakra Energy Reading

Chakra Readings for Energetic Alignment and Healing.

Gain insights into your energy body with a detailed chakra reading, where I assess the flow and balance of energy within each of your chakras. Identifying imbalances, blockages, or overactivity, I provide guidance and healing techniques to restore balance, supporting emotional, mental, and spiritual well-being.

Book your chakra reading to restore balance and energy flow in your life.


You book the date and time however your presence is not required. Booking the appointment ensures the time slot has been secured in order to conduct your reading.

Readings are provided in a comprehensive written report and emailed to you within 48hrs of your appointment.

Chakra Energy Reading (written): $170


Arcturian Reiki Energy Healing

As an attuned Arcturian lightworker, through channeling, I work as a conduit for the Arcturian healing team, delivering higher-frequency healing energies from the 70D and above.

This method activates, clears, balances and aligns the full energy systems of the physical body.

Arcturian reiki healing not only works on all chakras at once, but moves beyond the chakras, reaching every part of the body for a complete clearing process.

Arcturian healing enhances physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual levels, for profound energy healing.

Book your Arcturian Reiki energy healing session to restore balance and energy flow within your life.


These energy healing sessions are conducted via Distance Healing (remote), or, Video Conference (zoom).

Distance Healing (remote):

Your presence is not required.

Remote distance healing sessions are conducted between 5-7am, or 9-11pm (AEST).

Arcturian Energy Healing (remote): 60mins $200

Video Conference:

We meet via Zoom to share space.

These conversations are recorded and a private link sent to you. Of cause you can always request that they are not recorded.

Arcturian Energy Healing (Zoom): 60mins $200


Life Coaching

Spiritual Life Coaching for Clarity and Purpose

Unlock your true potential through one-on-one spiritual life coaching designed to provide clarity, direction, and a renewed sense of purpose.

Together, we’ll explore your life’s challenges and opportunities from a spiritual perspective, creating a personalised action plan for emotional healing, soul growth, and life transformation.

Book a spiritual life coaching session to find your path and step into your purpose.


These coaching sessions are conducted via video conference (Zoom).

Here we meet via video conference to share space. These conversations are recorded and a private link sent to you. Of cause you can always request that they are not recorded.

Spiritual Life Coaching (zoom): single session 60mins $250

Spiritual Life Coaching 8 Week program (zoom): 8x 60mins sessions $1600


Romani Tarot Reading

Romani Tarot is a rich, traditional form of divination offering insights into past, present, and future events. By working with the cards' energetic life force, I deliver messages to provide guidance, insight into self or situations, or to communicate with guides, ancestors, and your higher self.

I do not simply read the meanings from a book. Trained by a generational Romani Gypsy, I honour this tradition with intuitive readings that respect the culture's wisdom. This approach allows me to create a deep, powerful connection with spirit, offering you a unique and meaningful reading.


You book the date and time however your presence is not required. Booking the appointment ensures the time slot has been secured in order to conduct your reading.

Readings are provided in written format and emailed to you within 48hrs of your appointment.

Romani Tarot Reading (written): $170


Whispering Tarot Reading

Whispering Tarot is another form of divination, it’s next level.

Traditionally standard tarot is read for the sitter, the person that has requested the reading. With Whispering Tarot, I am reading the cards with a mediumistic connection to your loved one in spirit. Acting as a conduit, I bring their messages through for you, via the cards.

I have received a great honour by being taught the way of reading tarot intuitively by a generational Romani Gypsy, and I honour this way by showing respect to the Ancestors and the traditions of this culture by delivering a unique and multi layered reading as it is meant to be. Allowing me to work within a stronger connection with spirit to provide a deeply powerful reading for you.


You book the date and time however your presence is not required. Booking the appointment ensures the time slot has been secured in order to conduct your reading.

Readings are provided in written format and emailed to you within 48hrs of your appointment.

Whispering Tarot Reading (written): $170


Private Paranormal Investigation

Currently only available through referral

A Private Paranormal Investigation is when a client believes they are experiencing paranormal activity in their home, and we come out to your home to investigate.

These consultation calls are to establish the clients’ concerns and expectations of what they are wanting to achieve.

I will only take on clients that I resonate with and are aligned with the same values as I have regarding spirit communication.

My aim is to ensure that the home owners and spirit have an understanding of each other in order to live together harmoniously.

I walk into each investigation with openness, compassion and the willingness to receive and understand spirit’s story and deliver their messages, and I ask that clients do the same.


Bookings closed - Currently only available through referral

These conversations are conducted via video conference (Zoom).

A zoom link will be emailed to you at the time of your booking.

Consultation Call: 30mins No Charge


Private Investigation Cost: 90mins $470 ($120 per hour thereafter)

  • Private Investigations can only be booked after the initial consultation call, and only if our values on spirit communication align.

  • A separate booking link will be emailed to you to organise a suitable time.

  • Payment to be made at time of booking to secure your appointment.

  • If onsite investigation goes into overtime at the clients request, an invoice will be sent for the additional costs, or payment can be made on the day via electronic payment or cash.

  • If travel is in excess of 50kms from Penrith, a travel charge of $0.85 per kilometre will apply outside of the 50km allowance.

  • Investigations are only conducted on weekends

Servicing Main Areas:

  • Sydney Metropolitan Area

  • Nepean LGA

  • Hawkesbury LGA

  • Blue Mountains LGA

  • Bathurst City

Book a Reading

I would love to deliver a message from your guides and loved ones in spirit.