The message from spirit
Today, as I sat in stillness, I asked what message you needed to hear. The answer I received was "perspective."
As I sought more clarity around this seemingly cryptic but expansive word, Spirit delivered this message:
You need to keep perspective of self. It’s about looking inward to find the answers to the questions you have been asking.
Spirit want you to know that now is the time to pause for self-reflection. You have a strength and courage within you that knows no limits. Much like a dam to an ever-flowing river, you have created a place where the river ceases to flow and is contained. And just as a dam must release water, you need to allow your worries, fears, and concerns to be released. By looking inward, you’ll realise that you have all the knowledge and know-how to make this work; you just need to begin. No matter how imperfect you feel things may be, just start.
A very wise woman once reminded her daughter that the magic is within her. The energy pulsating from this card today certainly reiterated this beautiful message from a wise and loving Mother.
The magic truly is within you.
The message from the Beyond Lemuria Oracle tell us this:
Pineal Perspective: the seat of wisdom and consciousness, intuition, imagination, seeing inner and outer worlds, limitlessness, understanding.
Connect with your third eye and transcend what you understand with your mind. Discover a deeper inner knowing through the interconnected web of all this is and has been. You can tune into this wisdom at will, as and when you wish to. This wisdom is ancient yet pioneering. It is the creator of the free will we choose to weave from moment to moment. Be the observant witness, allow the transcendence of duality, without judgement. Be mindful, listen and allow your unfurling intuition to unravel the paradoxes of reality.
Restore: Examine limiting ideas, listen more, balance the left hemisphere's logical and analytical thinking with inner guidance and deeper wisdom. Take note of any thought patterns that may be holding you from your fullest potential, through the mind-based fear of past experiences.
Themes: Enhancing your imagination or intuition. Seeing beyond illusion.