The Frog Prince
The message from spirit
Some say you have to kiss a lot of frogs before you find your Prince.
Spirit wants you to know that your Prince is near and the search for true love is coming to an end.
True love will appear soon, in an unusual way. A way that will completely take you by surprise. Have no expectations. When on a chance meeting your heart will flutter, but you will pay it no mind. It is then that the winds of magic will stir, and destiny will show its hand.
The frog answered, "I do not care for thy clothes, thy pearls and jewels, or thy golden crown, but if thou wilt love me and let me be thy companion and play-fellow, and sit by thee at thy little table, and eat off thy little golden plate, and drink out of thy little cup, and sleep in thy little bed - if thou wilt promise me this I will go down below,
and bring thee thy golden ball up again."
Story collected by the Brothers Grimm
The message from the Faerytale Oracle tells us this:
A princess, an only child, is consumed by her own world, where only what she wants matters at any time. Thus her toys and possessions have taken the place of relationships. She takes, as she so often does, a walk by herself. While she is selfish, she is also self-sufficient and independent. A golden ball is her favourite plaything. She is alone, and used to being alone and self-reliant. She loses the ball in a spring - in water - emotions, memory, flow. She loves her plaything, and weeps, and says she would give up all jewels, all treasures, just for her ball back. And a talking frog comes out. He is an amazing frog - because not only does he speak, he shows compassion, because he wants to know why she weeps.
The message for you with this card is intimacy - that you are not willing to let people in at present, and allow them to understand who you truly are, or learn who they truly are. You are not seeing people, not truly. You are seeing only what is there, before you, and it is not what it seems. There are qualities available to you at present - charm, and learning, and wisdom, and intimacy. Share the food from your plate. Share your thoughts and words. There is someone who wishes to get to know you very deeply - but you are repulsed, and this is what you must ponder when this card comes to you. And if you have made a promise, you must keep it - the power of the word is very strong in faerytales. So if you think you can take the benefits of a relationship, without the intimacy and lessons that relationships demand, it cannot happen. And if you work through the challenges of true intimacy, all the fear and abhorrence we feel in opening up to another, you will be rewarded.
This is not a tale about accepting people regardless of their looks, although there is a touch of that here too. It is truly about deep relationships, and the difficulty we feel in becoming truly intimate with another, and sharing our lives with another.
Relinquishing our isolation can repulse us.
The princess, by keeping her word, and letting him grow close to her, breaks a spell. And while in some of its tellings, it would seem that the reward is the beauty of the true prince hidden within the form of the frog, it is truly about intimacy and closeness, and the great rewards it can bring. It is also about keeping our word. So the message for you is twofold. Who or what are you keeping at arm's length? What have you to lose by allowing a worthy soul to grow close to you? What promises have you made that you have not fulfilled?
Learn to give of yourself.
Find the value in relationships.
Reduce your attachment to possessions.
Why are you keeping people at a distance?
Keep your word.
Consider everyone equally.
Intimacy requires discomfort at first.
You will grow closer soon to loved ones.
Share your feelings, your time, your affection.
Growing closeness and openness